Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dosa yang lebih besar dari berzina


Pada suatu senja yang lenggang, terlihat seorang wanita berjalan terhuyung-huyung. Pakaianya yang serba hitam menandakan bahwa ia berada dalam dukacita yang mencekam.

Kerudungnya menagkup rapat hampir seluruh wajahnya. Tanpa hias muka atau perhiasan menempel di tubuhnya. Kulit yang bersih, badan yang ramping dan roman mukanya yang ayu, tidak dapat menghapus kesan kepedihan yang tengah meruyak hidupnya. Dia melangkah terseret-seret mendekati kediaman rumah Nabi Musa a.s.

Diketuknya pintu pelan-pelan sambil mengucapkan uluk salam. Maka terdengarlah ucapan dari dalam “Silakan masuk”.

Perempuan cantik itu lalu berjalan masuk sambil kepalanya terus merunduk. Air matanya berderai tatkala ia berkata,“Wahai Nabi Allah. Tolonglah saya. Doakan saya agar Tuhan berkenan mengampuni dosa keji saya."

“Apakah dosamu wahai wanita ayu?” tanya Nabi Musa a.s. terkejut.

“Saya takut mengatakannya.jawab wanita cantik.

“Katakanlah jangan ragu-ragu!” desak Nabi Musa.

Maka perempuan itupun terpatah bercerita, “Saya… telah berzina. “

Kepala Nabi Musa terangkat,hatinya tersentak.

Perempuan itu meneruskan, “Dari perzinaan itu saya pun… lantas hamil. Setelah anak itu lahir, langsung saya… cekik lehernya sampai… tewas,” ucap wanita itu seraya menangis sejadi-jadinya.

Nabi Musa berapi-api matanya. Dengan muka berang ia mengherdik,

“Perempuan bejad, enyah kamu dari sini! Agar siksa Allah tidak jatuh ke dalam rumahku karena perbuatanmu. Pergi!”… teriak Nabi Musa sambil memalingkan mata karena jijik.

Perempuan berwajah ayu dengan hati bagaikan kaca membentur batu, hancur luluh segera bangkit dan melangkah surut. Dia terantuk-antuk keluar dari dalam rumah Nabi Musa. Ratap tangisnya amat memilukan. Ia tak tahu harus kemana lagi hendak mengadu. Bahkan ia tak tahu mau dibawa kemana lagi kaki-kakinya.

Bila seorang Nabi saja sudah menolaknya, bagaimana pula manusia lain bakal menerimanya?Terbayang olehnya betapa besar dosanya, betapa jahat perbuatannya.

Ia tidak tahu bahwa sepeninggalnya, Malaikat Jibril turun mendatangi Nabi Musa. Sang Ruhul Amin Jibril lalu bertanya,

“Mengapa engkau menolak seorang wanita yang hendak bertaubat dari dosanya? Tidakkah engkau tahu dosa yang lebih besar daripadanya."

Nabi Musa terperanjat. “Dosa apakah yang lebih besar dari kekejian wanita pezina dan pembunuh itu?” Maka Nabi Musa dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu bertanya kepada Jibril. “Betulkah ada dosa yang lebih besar daripada perempuan yang nista itu?”

” Ada !” jawab Jibril dengan tegas.

“Dosa apakah itu?” tanya Musa kian penasaran.

Orang yang meninggalkan sholat dengan sengaja dan tanpa menyesal. Orang itu dosanya lebih besar dari pada seribu kali berzina” .

Mendengar penjelasan ini Nabi Musa kemudian memanggil wanita tadi untuk menghadap kembali kepadanya. Ia mengangkat tangan dengan khusuk untuk memohonkan ampunan kepada Allah untuk perempuan tersebut.

Nabi Musa menyadari, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang dengan sengaja dan tanpa penyesalan adalah sama saja seperti berpendapat bahwa sembahyang itu tidak wajib dan tidak perlu atas dirinya.

Berarti ia seakan-akan menganggap remeh perintah Tuhan, bahkan seolah-olah menganggap Tuhan tidak punya hak untuk mengatur dan memerintah hamba-Nya. Sedang orang yang bertobat dan menyesali dosanya dengan sungguh-sungguh berarti masih mempunyai iman di dadanya dan yakin bahwa Allah itu berada di jalan ketaatan kepada-Nya. Itulah sebabnya Tuhan pasti mau menerima kedatangannya. (Dirujuk daripada buku 30 kisah teladan – KH Abdurrahman Arroisy

Dalam hadis Nabi SAW disebutkan :

Orang yang meninggalkan sholat lebih besar dosanya dibanding dengan orang yang membakar 70 buah Al-Qur’an, membunuh 70 nabi dan bersetubuh dengan ibunya di dalam Ka’bah.

Dalam hadis yang lain disebutkan bahwa orang yang meninggalkan solat sehingga terlewat waktu, kemudian ia mengqadanya, maka ia akan disiksa dalam neraka selama satu huqub.Satu huqub adalah delapan puluh tahun. Satu tahun terdiri dari 360 hari, sedangkan satu hari diakherat perbandingannya adalah seribu tahun di dunia.

Demikianlah kisah Nabi Musa dan wanita pezina dan dua hadis Nabi, mudah-mudahan menjadi pelajaran bagi kita dan timbul niat untuk melaksanakan kewajiban sholat dengan istiqomah.


Tolong sebarkan kepada saudara-saudara kita yang belum mengetahui.

Wassalamu’alaikum wbt..

Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu segolongan umat yang menyeru kepada kebajikan, menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf dan mencegah dari yang munkar; merekalah orang-orang yang beruntung. (QS. Ali Imran 104:105)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Xmas 2009

Seronok ler Xmas tahun ni ada heavy snow.

Jalan-jalan round Xmas market in Albert Square, Manchester


Friday, November 27, 2009

Shin chan???

Shin chan is real.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

At 22 weeks

Dah lama enggak menulis. Penat sungguh menjadi seorang bakal ibu yang berulang alik ke lab setiap hari. Tak berkesempatan nak menulis panjang sebab terlalu bz bz bz collecting data. Alhamdulillah, betul la orang kata "U will start getting nice results in your third year"

Guess what? The normally everyday 'to and fro' 10 mins walk to school becomes half-an-hour marathon. My tummy is not that huge like typical 5-6 months preggies, but the burden it carries makes me wanna stumble at every step.


"Active baby" said the lady sonographer, smiling, during my 20 weeks scan. "Oh yes, the baby's been me kicking a loooot!" and I grinned. The high and low of being a mother-to-be, now I can feeeeeeeel them all! Ini baby belum keluar lagi... Oh sahabatku, jangan sekali-kali menderhaka pada ibu kamu sekalian...

Several highlights of my pregnancy:
  • I'm carrying the baby low down- a baby BOY sign?
  • No longer enthusiastic for shopping in the city, can't stand walking around for too long
  • My back hurts everytime I bend
  • The frequency of going to the loo had been increasing steadily to an average >10 times per day
  • I MUST have lunch at around 11, or 11.30 at the latest, as not to suffer getting nauseatic
The SV has been so nice to me. Being a mum, she knows what I'm going through (even though she did not suffer alahan masa first trimester). She even said "My son is the best thing ever happened to me". Comel gile kan? Ni la hikmah dapat mum SV :)

Tomorrow morning I'm gonna see my midwife again. Hope to get some positive news from the test results InsyaAllah.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This year's raya was the best time indeed. Balik jumpa family tercinta, anak-anak sedara kesayanganku yang makin membesar dengan sihat dan kuat, mama papa yang nampak makin tua (ye la setahun tak nampak) dan sahabat2ku the gossip girls.

Tak lupa juga time melantak makanan idamanku walaupun alahan mengandung masih ada masa tu, to the extent of losing 4 kg during the first trimester. But who gives a damn? My tummy, my business huahuahuahauh

Went to my bro-in-law radio room, did the first ultrasound in the presence of Azam. At first dia malas nak pegi, tapi kene paksa oleh aku. Start scan je, muka Azam bertukar dari malas jadi happy+kagum semacam bila nampak baby tengah main-main dalam perut aku. Baby tu siap buat swing macam tengah main buaian. Kalau scan lama sikit lagi agaknya boleh nampak dia buat somersault kot. Saje nak menunjuk betapa dia enjoy betul la dalam perut tu padahal mak dia dok muntah-muntah setiap hari... mmmmm.... sabar je la. Ada try scan 3D and 4D sekali, but the images were too 'scary' to be seen hahahah. better tak payah buat kalau baby tu tengah actively moving around, nanti tak nampak macam baby tapi nampak macam ntah apa apa ntah!

First time aku jumpa anak sedara paling baru- Amsyar. Bapak aku (aka Amsyar's part time bibik) panggil dia the Sweet Boy. Sebab muka dia macam baby girl- ada dimple, bulu mata panjang & lentik, suka senyum. Ni maybe sebab dulu masa mak dia pegi buat umrah, dia berdoa depan Kaabah nak baby girl- tup tup dapat baby boy muka sweet cam girl. Blame the mother...

The three stooges- Areef, Amsyar, Afif

5 weeks and 5 days later, back to cold + gloomy Manchester.

Met my lovely midwife for the first time, Sarah. Such a very nice and sweet lady, the services are like damn too good to be real. Can you imagine a midwife going from one house to another to serve the preggies? She came to my house carrying a lot of stuffs, took my details, provided so many useful informations + booklets + magazine + freebies . And to my surprise, she even took my blood + urine sample during the visit--> cool! Then I understood why people say I should grab the chance while I'm still here. Simply because the service is so great you couldn't resist feeling safe and secure all along.

Now I'm all Alone, Pregnant, Abroad. And I'll be stucked in this town for another 3 coming years for sure. What could possibly be more exciting than this? Thank goodness Azam will be back this Monday. Or else... isk isk isk

Monday, August 17, 2009

Takde keje

Aku tolong promote video mamat ni, supaya dia boleh beli kamera baru :)

Penantian itu satu penyeksaan...

Ada 10 hari lagi nak balik, tapi rasanya bagai 10 BULAN.... ohhhhh!
Tensionnya bila mengidam nak makan itu dan ini tapi tak dapat....
Kalau cuba buat sendiri pun, rasanya masih tak sama.....
Bersyukurlah wahai bakal ibu di tanah airku... kerna semua kau ngidam gerenti kau boleh cari...
Lambatnya nak balikkkkkkkk! uwaaaaaaaaa!

mana nak cari NASI BERLAUK?






Ahhhkooo jiwoooooo....

Sabar sabar.....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gambar mahal dari mstar

MESRA... Walaupun berbeza ideologi politik, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak dan Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat berkongsi kegembiraan memegang seekor anak kambing biri-biri yang dilahirkan di ladang pembiakan biri-biri di Kampung Runchang yang terletak di bawah projek Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur (ECER).

Aku suspek betul photographer yang amik gambar ni, mantap betul timing dia!
Hilang kejap alahan mengandung aku hahahahha

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Whispers

Dedicated to Liah- Asam masam masin on its way--> tq bebehhhh! ROCK STEADY!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Venice cantik gile baboooon. Aku & Azam naik Ryanair flight kat Liverpool, two hours later we arrived in Treviso Airport and took a bus to Venezia (Venice). It was so damnnnnnnnn HOT! Panas terik tahap gaban, kulit kena bakar sikit lagi nak jadi padayyappa. Since kitorang sampai malam, check in Hotel Atlantide close to midnite, we just stayed in the room and tidur untuk mengumpul tenaga berjalan-jalan esoknya.



Venice city was built on water, and connected by hundreds of bridges along the many canals. Takde kereta/motor/basikal. Main transportations are water bus/taxi/private boat/gondola or simply on foot. Ada 3 pulau besar- VENICE, MURANO, LIDO. Murano tu famous dengan Murano glass also known as Venetian glass. Kitorang naik waterbus pegi tengok glass factory, ada demo cara buat glass. Aku takde la kagum sangat, kat Msia pun ada. Peh.

Next we went to Lido, hajatnya nak tengok pantai Lido yang famous tu. Tapi bila sampai kat pantai tu hampeh, tak cantik pooonnnnn! 10X ganda lagi cantik Pulau perhentian. So tak dapat cuci mata tengok pantai, cuma dapat tengok mat-minah salleh penuh selulit berbikini/berjemur.... again, kat Msia pun ada. Peh.

Jalan-jalan lagi sampai lapar. Jumpa kedai Halal orang Bangladesh. Friendly gile. Seronok betul muka dia jumpa kitorang. Dia pun pandai cakap Melayu sikit2. Menurut mamat tu, ada beribu-ribu orang Bangladesh tinggal kat situ. Diorang ni boleh survive kat semua tempat. Ramai orang Msia pegi kedai dia sebab tak banyak kedai halal around area tu.

Pizza kebab

Next day, check out awal around 11am. Tinggal luggage kat hotel, and hayun kaki jalan-jalan pegi San Marco and Rialto Bridge. On the way there, lalu macam-macam kedai + market jual fresh seafood and vegetables.

Colourful cookies/chocolates

Carnivale masks/dress

Makan siput babi? Ape kes?

frrrressshhh wooooo!

Jalan-jalan cari makan, cari kedai halal lain as recommended by kawan Azam yang pernah datang sini. Owner dia orang Tunisia. Kedai takde nama pun, ada tanda halal je. Mamat ni pun seronok jumpa orang Msia, siap tampal duit seringgit kat atas kedai dia. Sapa bagi entah.

Abang hensem Tunisia, single tak kawen lagi

Flight to Liverpool malam tu pukul 10.10pm, so kena cari tempat nak semayang Zohor/Asar. Tak boleh semayang sesuka hati kat area tu, karang kena tahan ngan polizia. Mamat ni cakap kena pegi luar Venice baru jumpa masjid. Kitorang pun merayau macam orang gillak, asal jumpa orang pakai tudung/mamat Bangladesh je, terus tanya masjid kat mana. Seksa gile. Nasib baik ada sorang hamba Allah yang baik hati tunjukkan jalan ke masjid tu. Kalau tak, memang tak jumpa sebab masjid tu dalam kilang... macam kilang kat area Shah Alam.

So direction nak ke masjid tu adalah pegi Piazalle Roma station, naik bas no 6 to Panorama (last stop).

At the bus stop, turn left and you'll see a kebab restaurant/self service restaurant on your left.

Go straight until you see a small roundabout, take 12 o'clock exit.

At the T-junction, turn right (0.5 min). The mosque is on your right - no. 11.

Time jemaah masjid hari tu

Masjid ni buka only time berjemaah. Bila kitorang sampai, masjid tutup/berkunci. So kitorang buzz banyak kali, tapi takde orang bukak... sikiittt lagi nak blah. Tunggu punya tunggu after 5 min ada orang Arab datang bukak pintu. Alhamdulillah...

Lepas semayang, balik ke Venice. Jalan-jalan lagi sampai bosan. Oh, aku tak naik gondola sebab weather panas gile nak mati, dah la mende tu slow,memang berpeluh-peluh busuk habis. Tak romantik langsung. Baik simpan duit naik gondola untuk beli souvenirs.

Awas: Jangan tertipu dengan keromantikan gambar ni...

Petang naik bas pegi airport, drop luggage and balik Liverpool. Tak payah pegi lama-lama pun kat sini, bandar dia kecik je. Satu hari pun dah cukup round the whole city.

End of trip. Next target: MOROCCO! muuuuuahahahahah

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pregnant muslim woman stabbed to death in court in Germany

She was stabbed because of her veil, her belief and her religion... May Allah be with her, Amin...


It was while Marwa el-Sherbini was in the dock recalling how the accused had insulted her for wearing the hijab after she asked him to let her son sit on a swing last summer, that the very same man strode across the Dresden courtroom and plunged a knife into her 18 times.

Her three-year-old son Mustafa was forced to watch as his mother slumped to the courtroom floor.

Even her husband Elvi Ali Okaz could do nothing as the 28-year-old Russian stock controller who was being sued for insult and abuse took the life of his pregnant wife. As Okaz ran to save her, he too was brought down, shot by a police officer who mistook him for the attacker. He is now in intensive care in a Dresden hospital.

While the horrific incident that took place a week ago tomorrow has attracted little publicity in Europe, and in Germany has focused more on issues of court security than the racist motivation behind the attack, 2,000 miles away in her native Egypt, the 32-year-old pharmacist has been named the "headscarf martyr".

She has become a national symbol of persecution for a growing number of demonstrators, who have taken to the streets in protest at the perceived growth in Islamophobia in the west. Sherbini's funeral took place in her native Alexandria on Monday in the presence of thousands of mourners and leading government figures. There are plans to name a street after her.

Sherbini, a former national handball champion, and Okaz, a genetic engineer who was just about to submit his PhD, had reportedly lived in Germany since 2003, and were believed to be planning to return to Egypt at the end of the year. They were expecting a second child in January.

Unemployed Alex W. from Perm in Russia was found guilty last November of insulting and abusing Sherbini, screaming "terrorist" and "Islamist whore" at her, during the Dresden park encounter. He was fined ¤780 but had appealed the verdict, which is why he and Sherbini appeared face to face in court again.

Even though he had made his anti-Muslim sentiments clear, there was no heightened security and questions remain as to why he was allowed to bring a knife into the courtroom.

Angry mourners at the funeral in Alexandria accused Germany of racism, shouting slogans such as "Germans are the enemies of God" and Egypt's head mufti Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy called on the German judiciary to severely punish Alex W.

"Anger is high", said Joseph Mayton, editor of the English-language news website Bikya Masr. "Not since Egypt won the African [football] Cup have Egyptians come together under a common banner."

In Germany the government of Angela Merkel has been sharply criticised for its sluggish response to the country's first murderous anti-Islamic attack. The general secretaries of both the Central Council of Jews and the Central Council of Muslims, Stephen Kramer and Aiman Mazyek, who on Monday made a joint visit to the bedside of Sherbini's husband, spoke of the "inexplicably sparse" reactions from both media and politicians.

They said that although there was no question that the attack was racially motivated, the debate in Germany had concentrated more on the issue of the lack of courtroom security. "I think the facts speak for themselves," Kramer said.

The government's vice spokesman Thomas Steg rebuffed the criticism, saying not enough was yet known about the details of the incident.

"In this concrete case we've held back from making a statement because the circumstances are not sufficiently clear enough to allow a broad political response," he said, adding: "Should it be the case that this was anti-foreigner [and] racially motivated [the government] would condemn it in the strongest possible terms".

As hundreds of Arab and Muslim protesters demonstrated in Germany, and observers drew comparisons with the Danish cartoon row, Egyptian government representatives in Berlin said it was important to keep the incident in perspective.

"It was a criminal incident, and doesn't mean that a popular persecution of Muslims is taking place," Magdi el-Sayed, the spokesman for the Egyptian embassy in Berlin said.

But because it occurred just days after Nicolas Sarkozy gave a major policy speech denouncing the burka, many Egyptians believe the death of Sherbini is part of a broader trend of European intolerance towards Muslims.

The German embassy in Cairo has sought to calm the situation, organising a visit of condolence by the ambassador to the victim's family and issuing a statement insisting that the attack did not reflect general German sentiment towards Egyptians.

There have been repeated calls by protesters for the German embassy to be picketed. The Egyptian pharmacists' syndicate said it is considering a week-long boycott of German medicines.

The victim's brother, Tarek el-Sherbini, labelled Germany as a "cold" country when interviewed by a popular talk show host. Media pundits such as Abdel Azeem Hamad, editor of the daily al-Shorouk newspaper, have attributed the western media's disinterest in the story to racism, arguing that if Sherbini had been Jewish the incident would have received much greater attention.

Politicians in Egypt have been scrambling to ride the groundswell of popular feeling. But some commentators have criticised reaction to the murder as a convenient distraction for the unpopular regime of President Hosni Mubarak, which is currently being challenged by a nationwide series of strikes and sit-ins.

"The tragedy of Marwa el-Sherbini is real, as is anti-Arab racism in Europe and elsewhere, but ... her death has been recruited to channel resentment of the west, Danish-cartoon style," the popular blogger The Arabist said.