Monday, January 26, 2009
Michael Jackson takeoff
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Israel soldier ran away from Palestinian boy
Video ni dah lama, tapi aku baru jumpa. Nampak tak askar Yahudi tuh dah siap sedia nak tembak budak tu. Tapi lepas budak tu baling batu kat dia, dia macam terdiam kejap, pastu terus cabut lari. Ada orang cakap Yahudi laknat tu nampak malaikat dekat belakang budak tu.... wallahualam. Israel defence pulak keluarkan press statement, kononnya nak cakap betapa 'baik'nya askar diorang tak sanggup tembak budak kecik- penipu laknat tunggu la kau kat neraka jahanam nanti.
Ya Allah selamatkanlah orang Palestin...
File kat bawah ni adalah list companies Israel & US yang harus diboikot. List ni ikut alphabetical order A to Z, so boleh print dalam kertas A4 and simpan dalam wallet or beg. Pegi jahanam dengan Israel.
DOWNLOAD FILESunday, January 4, 2009
Boycott Israel products

Tesco and Sainsbury are too included.
"We think of the common potato as being part of Irish history. We may imagine that all potatoes sold in Irish shops are grown in Ireland. However, many Irish shops and supermarkets, including Dunnes Stores, Tesco and Marks & Spencer sell Israeli Potatoes, rather than Irish spuds. The profits from, and taxes imposed on, these goods help Israel to maintain and expand its 40-year old illegal occupation of Palestine. For example, the largest exporter of fruit and veg, Carmel-Agrexco, is half owned by the Israeli State."
Like our Tun Dr. Mahathir urged
"Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur. We propose that the peoples of the world boycott Israeli products and stop all trade with Israel"
It's the least we muslims can do to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Much more effective than just lashing out on the streets.